30 May 2009

Todays Plan!

Hello everyone,
I have had a brilliant holiday, because I have done nothing! I have done some youtube videos, about 5 actually, I have also done a history project, thats on my youtube too, if you want to visit it(?) I have also vegged out on the sofa, and not gone out much! Ooh, I did go out for two days, I went to see my aunty and my cousins, bee and otter ( ben and olly) lol! They are a handful though! Today I need to go into town to get a prezzie for a relative, but I need a shower! My hair is so greasy!! I think there are some aquatic creatures living up there!!
Anyways, I have to get off, need to have a shower, and have some breakfast, and my cat is looking at me scarily, I think he's hungry!!
Ok everyone, I'll see ya later! Thats my cat below!!

27 May 2009

Oh do I have a tale to tell!

Hello everyone,
hows your evening, at the moment I'm watching doctor who, and eating a whole load of candy, including flying saucers!
Let me tell you a funny story about what happened to my sister on tuesday night.
She was out camping with friends, well they didn't really go to sleep, they chilled out and ate sweets.
Then, her friend came smashed out of her head, and brought beer and a kebab.
My sister went around the field with all of her other mates, apart from the drunk one.
They were all happy, and when they came back to the tent, it was covered in vomit!
Yes, the mix of cheap donner and cider, caused her to chuck her guts up.
My sisters pajamas, and her sleeping bag were smothered in puke.
I laughed soooo much!!! ( she didn't)
lol, anyway- more video soon
from saffy

26 May 2009

Another Brill Holiday!!

Hello saffatrons, and isnt this half term holiday just awesome!
I have been doing nothing at all throughout it so far, but I have been making videos, so please go watch em...heres my channel
anyways...I have just got up, thought I would treat myself to a lay in!
Today I might go into town, just to chill- maybe put some money in my bank, im broke...I LIVE ON INTEREST!
ok guys im gonna go now, ill see ya later!

from safferoonicle!!!